Friday 19 July 2013

Kayaking Over Santuario Waterfall

Kayaking Over Santuario Waterfall, Amazonas, Brazil
Picture of a kayaker going over large falls in Cachoeira Santuario, Amazonas, Brazil

Photograph by Chris Korbulic

“Santuario is definitely not your average waterfall,” says kayaker and photographer Chris Korbulic. “It almost seemed like a waterfall M.C. Escher would dream up, with different channels and water coming out of the walls.” Korbulic and longtime kayaking partner Ben Stookesberry, pictured here going over Bazil's Santuario waterfall, spent seven weeks exploring the waterfalls and rivers of Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana.
In order to get this shot while helping Stookesberry set up at the waterfall's lip, Korbulic used a remote camera. “I needed to be over at the lip with Ben to help secure his entry into the water, but I didn't want to give up this shot," says Korbulic. "So I left the camera on a tripod, tied it to some slick roots hanging over the falls, and brought my remote shutter release and another camera out to the lip."
The region had been hit by heavy rainfall, and the brown water thrashing below the falls prevented the kayakers from knowing what what was beneath the water's surface. “As Ben went over the lip the front of his boat caught a rock edge, stalled his forward momentum, and sent him barreling upside down into a pretty awful looking cauldron,” recalls Korbulic. “After Ben came out safely, I was almost just as worried that my camera didn't fire as I had been about Ben! I rushed over and checked my camera to find what would be my favorite shot from the trip, setting a great precedent for the next six weeks of travel.”
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