Tuesday 30 July 2013


20 Beautiful Sunrise Pictures

sunrise photography

sunrise photography

sunrise photography

Dawn of Peace

Bungan Beach Sunrise

Sunset Photos

Sunset Photos

Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

Sunset Photos

Rangitoto Dawn

Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

                                                       Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

                                                        Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

                                                        Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)

Beautiful Sunrise Photos (55 pics)


The Beautiful Sunrise are an Aeternalae faction led by Hikari Oblivion Anikerina. The beautiful Sunrise will publicly say that they wish to conquer all mortality, but the roots lie far deeper, and plans are known to place the Sunrise's desire not only in an all-female universe, but also in the aquisition of power for the Sunrise's own purposes. The Sunrise is best known for using the infamous True Girl virus on planets, leaving them ripe for later rescension by other factions, having become far less resisting of the Aeternalae. However, more and more the Sunrise becomes known for a desire for absolute and total conquest.
In recent times, the Beautiful Sunrise have become rather infamous for their activations of specialised, premature Rescensions that plunge a world full of ningen into absolute chaos. Such an event is often called a Reaping, due to the painful process of change the ningens endure. The faction also frequently experiments on entire worlds under their control, sometimes with unexpected, chaotic, dangerous results. The Sunrise also trains powerful mages - known as Veilbreakers - to further these goals. Or even employs abominations to take down defenses of entire worlds. Hikari herself has stated that she sees world conquest like playing with a puzzle. The maniacal glee she expresses upon making a Rescension is undeniable, and her Aeternal peers may question her reasons for doing so.

Publicly known for it's frequent endevours to push forward all-female society, it's denials and admittances of coincidences betray it's effective conversion of anything physically male. In recent times, however, the Sunrise's philosophy of not merely overstepping the line, but bombarding it with open warfare, has turned much of it's prior fame to infamy, and many other factions will quickly name the Sunrise as an example of "what not to do", if not fully name it as a liability to the race as a whole. However, to it's followers, the Sunrise represents a far more basic goal - Absolute Progress at any cost, and no source of power left unused.
Regardless of it's enemies, the Sunrise continues to stand strong. Frequently battling with not only ningen organizations, but even other aeternalae factions who see the Sunrise and it's Originae's desire for power as a slippery slope that may well let the Blood Void taint it from within. The unshakable resolve and constant growth - aided by machines and AIs running much of the details - mean the Beautiful Sunrise will either be a difficult enemy to defeat, or a dark and powerful ally to be called for in times of great need. Regardless of this, the Sunrise's use of non-ovaform species, frequent research of alternate methods of world conquest, and the absolute madness of it's own Originae, make the Sunrise a strange, yet powerful faction.

Although the Sun appears to "rise" from the horizon, it is actually the Earth's motion that causes the Sun to appear. The illusion of a moving Sun results from Earth observers being in a rotating reference frame; this apparent motion is so convincing that most cultures had mythologies and religions built around the geocentric model, which prevailed until astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus first formulated the heliocentric model in the 16th century.
Architect Buckminster Fuller proposed the terms "sunsight" and "sunclipse" to better represent the heliocentric model, though the terms have not entered into common language

Sunrise occurs before the Sun actually reaches the horizon because the Sun's image is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere. The average amount of refraction is 34 arcminutes, though this amount varies based on atmospheric conditions.
Also, unlike most other solar measurements, sunrise occurs when the Sun's upper limb, rather than its center, appears to cross the horizon. The apparent radius of the Sun at the horizon is 16 arcminutes.
These two angles combine to define sunrise to occur when the Sun's center is 50 arcminutes below the horizon, or 90.83° from the zenith.

more details: click on below links

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